How do I change the Owner, Organisation or Registrant of a domain name?

To change the Organisation Name (Legal Holder or owner) sometimes referred to as the registrant of a domain name, a Change of Registrant form will need to be completed.

This requires the current Registrant and the prospective Registrant to complete and sign the form and return it to us by scanning (or a High Resolution photo) and email to:

You can download the form as a PDF here: Change of Registrant 1st Domains.pdf

NOTE: You do not need this form to change the contact details for the Registrant, Admin, Technical or Billing contacts for a domain name. These changes can be made from the client interface.

NOTE: If the currently listed Registrant is not a properly constituted organization, if it is trading name, or it has not been listed under the full legal organization name or identifiable individual over 18 years of age, a "Statutory Declaration Form” will also need to be completed.

The Statutory Declaration Form can be downloaded here: Statutory Declaration 1st Domains.pdf

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