Why should I transfer my Domain Name to 1st Domains?

Here's a few reasons to transfer your domain name to 1st Domains:

Free Transfer

No transfer fees. We don't require you to renew your domain name with us at time of transfer unless it's 75 days away from expiry, or if you're domain name is a global domain e.g. .com. Other Registrars do!

New Zealand's Best Priced Domain Name Registration

We offer New Zealand's best priced domain names combined with free parking services to put your domain name to good use. See our Pricing and Services page for more information.

Free Domain Name Services

All domain name registrations and transfers to 1st Domains include:

  • Domain parking
  • Email Forwarding
  • URL Redirection
  • DNS Zone Management (A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, TXT, SRV Records)

Account Management Interface

Managing your domain names is easy with our Account Manager. Manage all aspects of your domain name from renewing, updating contact details to setting up free services all from one central place.

Excellent Customer Service

Our service is backed by helpful, responsive and knowledgeable support from a team of experienced domain name professionals via email or phone.

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