How do I create a new mailbox?

1st domains offer its customers the ability to purchase and manage their email hosting with us. You can create email forwarders for free or if you would like a mailbox there are plans to cater to your requirements. Here are some instructions on how to set up a mailbox.

  1. Browse to the 1stdomains website and login using your 1st Domains Account ID and Password.
  2. On the 'Account Manager' page under 'Domain Names & Hosting Services' click "Manage Domains & Services".
  3. On the 'Manage Domains & Services' page click on the domain name that you wish to add a mailbox for.
  4. On the Domain Name Manager page under the 'Services' section click "Manage Email".
  5. Within the 'Mail Management Control Panel' click "Add Mail User".
  6. On the 'Add Mail User' make sure "Mailbox [Remaining:x]" is selected from the drop box situated to the right of 'Mail User Type'.
  7. In the white box to the right of 'Primary Address' enter your new user email address.
  8. Specify a strong password in the next two box's (one to specify and one to confirm). The password requirements are listed below:
    Your password needs to meet the following requirements to help prevent your email account from being compromised:
    • It must be at least 8 characters including at least one number and one uppercase letter.
    • It cannot contain a repeating pattern (for example 111);
    • It cannot not contain any recognisable part of your email address;
  9. Finally, on the bottom left of the page, click "Add".

Your email mailbox has now been created. You can access your email via 1st domains webmail or using an email client, such as outlook to manage your email.

You can use the link below to find further instructions for setting up your new email account on email client:

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