How do I access the plesk web hosting control panel?

Plesk is a popular web hosting control panel that provides a user-friendly interface for managing websites and databases, and other hosting-related tasks. It's widely used by hosting providers and website owners to simplify the process of managing servers and web hosting environments.

The Plesk Web Hosting Control Panel allows you to manage your web hosting settings such as changing your FTP password, setting up databases, password protecting directories, uploading files, and editing your files for your website.

You can access the Web Hosting Control panel within your 1st Domains account:

  1. Login to the Account Manager and select 'Manage Domains & Services'
  2. Select the domain name you wish to manage from the list
  3. Under the 'Domain Name Services' section select the 'Web Hosting Control Panel' link to login to the Control Panel.
  4. This will open the Plesk control panel and give you access to complete any hosting related tasks.

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