How do I change the FTP Password?

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another and is commonly used for uploading and downloading files to and from a web server.

Change your FTP password by following these steps:

  1. Login to your 1st Domains Account
  2. Click on 'Manage Domains & Services'
  3. Click on the domain name in the list
  4. Click on 'Web Hosting Control Panel' to be logged into Plesk Control Panel
  5. Under the 'Hosting & DNS' tab, click on 'Web Hosting Access' or 'Hosting'
  6. If using the "Web Hosting Access" option. Under the System User enter or generate a new password. Click on Ok
  7. If using "Hosting Settings" scroll down the page and look for Webspace settings. Under there you will have a system user's credentials. And it is here that you generate or add a new password. Click Save at the bottom.
  8. Make sure you note that down as you will need that password to use with your FTP client.

Important: Make sure your FTP password is strong. So, use capital letters, numbers, and special characters throughout the password. Using the generator will generate a strong password for you.

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