Creating an Account

IMPORTANT: You need to have at least one domain with 1st domains to have an account with us. Generally when you purchase or transfer your first domain to us you will be asked to create the account. 

Account Holder Information:

The Account Holder is the organisation or individual who is responsible for the management of the 1st Domains account for which the domains are held in. The Account Holder has the ability to modify information and services for all domain names under the account.

Enter the contact details for this person or organisation. This is not necessarily the domain name Registrant, Billing, or Technical contact for the domain name. 

Entering a Password

This password will be used to administrate the domain names under this account. Your Account Number is automatically assigned to you by our system. Your password can be between 8 and 14 characters long and must contain at least one number and one letter.

Apply Account Holder Profile To Other Contacts

Ticking these boxes will automatically apply the contact details you have entered in this profile to the contacts you have chosen. This saves you from having to spend time re-entering the same profile details into other contacts if they are the same.

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