Who is the Registrant?

The Registrant is an identifiable individual (over 18) or a properly constituted organisation who is listed as the legal holder of a domain name.

If the legal holder of the domain name is a company or organisation, list the name in the 'Organisation' field and enter the organisation contact in the First and Last name fields. The organisation name will become the Registrant.

If the holder of the domain name is an individual, you can leave the 'Organisation' field blank, and simply enter your First and Last Name. This person will become the registrant.

The Registrant will receive correspondence from us containing the Auth Code for the domain name. The Registrant will NOT receive the administrative Account Number and Password to manage the domain. This is sent exclusively to the Administrative Contact / Account Holder.

If you need to update your domain’s registrant, please see: How do I change the Owner, Organisation or Registrant of a domain name?

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