How do I update my Account and Domain Contacts Information?

To update the Account contact details.

Your account email address is the one that will receive a password reset email if you forget your account login details. This email address is not associated with any of the domains within your account. Each domain has its own separate details. See below for instructions on how to edit the contact details for individual domains and default settings. To edit your account details, please follow these steps:

For all the actions below firstly log into your account

  • On the Account Manager page, click on "Account Contact Details" under the Account Holder & Password Information section. Or you can click on the "Edit" next to the Account Contact in the left hand section of the "Account Manage" page.
  • Update your details.
  • Click on "Update". Your new details are now saved for the account holder.

To update the contact details for an individual domain name.

In this section is where you can edit the registrant, technical and importantly the billing contact for a single domain. The billing contact will be where all renewal notices will be sent to.

  • From the Account Manager page click "Manage Domains & Services" and then select the relevant domain.
  • Under the "Domain Name Contact Details" Click "Modify Registrant Contact" to update the Registrant details.
  • Select "Modify Technical Contact" to update the Technical details.
  • Select "Modify Billing Contact" to update the Billing details.
  • After editing the details make sure to click on "Update" to save.

To update the default contact details.

The default contact details will be used when a new domain name is registered through your account. This section you can add the default details for the registrant, billing and technical contact that can be applied to any new domain when the Autofill status is enable for each contact.

  • On the Account Manager page, under the "Advanced Options" section down the page you will see the default contact details.
  • Click on either option, e.g "Default Registrant Contact" to add the registrants contact details. Continue this to update the billing and technical contacts.
  • Enable the Autofill Status. This will ensure that when you register a new domain that the new details will be applied to the new domain.

If you do not have the Account ID and Password please use our lost password request form and your details will be emailed to the listed account contact email address.

If you no longer have access to the listed account contact email address, then please complete our account holder update form.

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