Are SSL certificates supported under web hosting?

Our No Limits Web Hosting includes the ability to secure your website with a free SSL certificate, thanks to Let’s Encrypt. Let’s Encrypt is a free certificate authority, securing more than 300 million websites.

If you have a website, you’re likely familiar with the HTTP part of a URL, but you may not be familiar with HTTPS. The added ‘s’ stands for secure. HTTPS provides your website with added security and privacy. As more websites transition to HTTPS over time, more of your visitors will expect your site to use it too.

The benefits of using HTTPS:

  • Trust in your website – The public recognizes that a website using HTTPS is more trustworthy than one without it, signaling to potential customers that you take their privacy seriously.
  • Limit browser warnings – Many popular browsers, like Chrome, now show warnings to visitors if the website isn’t using HTTPS, indicating that the site is not secure.
  • Improved security – A secure certificate and running your website over HTTPS encrypts any data sent between you and the visitor, preventing attackers from intercepting information traveling between your visitor and the web server.
  • Better search ranking – Search engines include the use of HTTPS as a factor when ranking your website in search results. This means using a secure certificate can give you a boost in search results over similar sites that don’t.

When purchasing web hosting with 1st Domains, the SSL certificate is automatically installed for you.

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