Does your URL redirection service allow cloaking, or masking of the target URL?

Yes. Our URL redirection service allows both a cloaking option and a standard 301 redirect.

Cloaking (also known as masking) allows you to redirect your URL whilst keeping your domain name active and visible in the users browser address bar. This is particularly useful if you host with a free provider and do not want your visitors to see the actual URL of your site.

As an example, if cloaking were enabled, a user would see this in the address bar:

Instead of this:

Using cloaking or masking with iframes for URL redirection can have drawbacks:

SEO Issues: Search engines may penalize deceptive practices.
Poor User Experience: It can confuse users, eroding trust.
Security Risks: Potential for phishing and browser restrictions.
Analytics Challenges: Tracking and analytics may be compromised.
Ad Platform Policies: Violations can lead to account consequences. check with your ad platform to be sure.
Legal and Ethical Concerns: Deceptive practices may have legal implications.
Mobile Responsiveness: Issues may arise on certain devices.

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