How do I reset my email password?

Access Mail Manager Panel

  1. Login to your 1st Domains account at
  2. On the 'Account Manager' page, click 'Manage Domains & Services'.
  3. On the 'Manage Domains & Services' page, click the Domain Name (in red) for which you want to update the email password.
  4. On the 'Domain Name Manager' page, click 'Manage Email'.
  5. Click the desired email address that you wish to update the password for so the options expand out.
  6. Scroll to the 'Password' section and enter the new password twice.
  7. Click the green 'Update' button at the bottom left.

Your email password will be updated. Remember to update the password on all devices that are connecting to this email.

Password Requirements

Your password needs to meet the following requirements to help prevent your email account from being compromised:

  • It must be between 8 and 30 characters long.
  • It must contain both letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9).
  • It must contain at least one uppercase letter (A-Z).
  • It may contain only the following special characters: !@#*-+()[];:.
  • It cannot contain a repeating pattern (for example 11111).
  • It cannot contain any recognisable part of your email address.

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